Sunday, September 26, 2010

环保股 - 太阳能储电方案 ETI科技领先全球








许宇光透露,目前,市场主要使用铅酸电池(lead-acid battery)来储电,惟却无法和太阳能电板(solar panel)完美搭配,因为储电速度不高,在操作时更会发出热量而导致电力流失。

“由于发觉这问题,我们研发了‘锂离子聚合体电池’(polymer lithium ion battery),这电池的具备很高的储电能力,只需4小时来完成充电。








出口美澳亚 军商皆合用









进运旅游休闲领域 数国际酒店洽购中




在本地,ETI科技已经为马六甲的爱化摩沙(A Famosa)度假村高尔夫球场的电动车,提供电池产品。






东南亚唯一设计产商 竞标郊区学校电供计划





此外,ETI科技子公司ETI Tech私人有限公司与Green Electric私人有限公司及Erapolitan私人有限公司,也刚组成策略伙伴,共同竞标教育部及乡村及区域发展部的供电计划。









绿化能源抬头 产品需求无限大






据联合国环境规划署的文告,尽管2009年“核心洁净能源”(新再生能源、生物燃油和能源效率)的投资额下跌7%至1620亿美元(约5070亿6000万令吉),但风力发电的投资额却创纪录。 如果加上太阳能热水器的开支,以及屋顶太阳能光伏(solar PV)总装配成本,2009年的总投资额实际上是增长的。







From: Peggy Method

List of Steel stocks in Bursa Malaysia Stock Exchange KLSE.
The steel counters are AnnJoo, Lion Group, Perwaja, Southern Steel.
More results are PMetal or Press Metal, Kinsteel, CSCSteel, and ChooBee.
Also TattGiap or TatGiap, Masteel or Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd.
Mycron Steel Berhad.
Are the followings also steel counters steel stocks or steel company?
HiapTeck, Engtex, TongHerr, Jaks, Pantech, Pertisma,
YunKong or Yung Kong, Blue Scope, Chinwell or Chin Well,
Sino Huaan

I saw the target price from RHB research web.
AnnJoo Target price fair value RM2.84
CSCSteel Target Price Fair Value RM2.10
Perwaja Target Price Fair Value RM1.24
HiapTeck Target Price Fair Value RM1.38
Kinsteel Target Price Fair Value RM0.78
Huaan Target Price Fair Value RM0.32



顶级手套 (TOPGLOV, 7113 主板工业股);
速伯瑪 (SUPERMX, 7106 主板工业股);
高产尼品 (KOSSAN, 7153 主板工业股);
贺特佳 (HARTA. 5168 主板工业股);
稳大 (ADVENTA, 7191 主板工业股);
利得股份 (LATEXX, 7064 主板工业股);
综合树胶机构 (IRCB, 127 主板工业股);
来百利机构 (RUBEREX, 7803 主板工业股)。



Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dec 24th, 2001 | By klse.8k | Category: 8K 股票投资

朋友打电话给我,问我读了没有WARREN BUFFETT最新的股市评论。

他购买了12月份的FORTUNE杂志(Special issue: Investor’s Guide 2002),里面有篇专访:

Exclusive : WARREN BUFFETT on the Market





文章一开始BUFFETT就列出美国道琼斯指数(DOW JONES)过去34年的历史。











第二个17年,从1981 到1998,BUFFETT的身家又增加了130倍!





第一个17年指数没有变动, BUFFETT的身家也照样可以增加,而且增加的幅度也很可观,差不多3年就开1番。















因为今天BUFFETT已经是世上第二有钱的人了,仅次以BILL GATES而已!










How to use PEGGY Method to Select Stock

From: Peggy Method

If you want to buy a good stock, you need to know a lot of the company info, eg industry PE, economy, profit margin, competition, industry growth, exchange rate, new project, management, cash flow, major
customer, geographical risk, etc.

Everybody is so busy, where got time or knowledge to check or how to know so much. But if you buy without knowing a bit of info, also very dangerous. So I come with PEGGY Method for stock selection.

PE, G, G, Y
PE: PE ratio, price over earning per share, the lower the better.
G: Growth of future earnings/net profit. The higher % the better.
G: Gearing. About the company's borrowings. The lower the better.
Y: Yield, dividend yield. The higher the % the better.

PE: Low
G: High
G: Low
Y: High

If remisier recommends a stock, example ABC:
You: What to buy?
Remisier: Can try ABC at RM1.95. Fair value RM2.40
You: PE low?
Remisier: 11.2, Average
You: How about future growth?
Remisier: 14%. Indonesian and Thailand operations just started
You: How about gearing or borrowings
Remisier: No borrowings, net cash
You: How about the dividend yield?
Remisier: Got 5%-6%, paying 60% profit as dividend.
You: Sound good, buy 2 lots at RM1.95

If remisier recommends a stock, example XYZ:
You: What to buy?
Remisier: Can try XYZ at RM44, good dividend
You: PE low?
Remisier: high, about 18.
You: How about future growth?
Remisier: Next few years negative or no growth
You: How about gearing or borrowings
Remisier: High borrowings
You: How about the dividend yield?
Remisier: Got 5% dividend yield or less.
You: Dividend yield 5% good, but other things are bad. Not interested

From the above, you can use PEGGY method to select stock. If you are not familiar with stock market or financial term, no need to know the exact figure or percentage. Just need to know whether is high or low. Just ask your remisier PEGGY questions. Very difficult to get all PE G G Y perfect. So, if example PE, G, G are good, but the Yield a bit low, then can be considered. No need so rigid, up to you. The above example

ABC, the PE is average but all are good, so can considered. If you can find one counter all PEGGY is good, just buy it and then let me know. I will buy.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

一度猛升17點 馬股奮戰1524點












Monday, September 13, 2010


RSI stands for Relative Strength Indicator. It is a technical momentum indicator that compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in an attempt to determine overbought and oversold levels.

1. 13 Period RSI > 70 for overbought stock.
2. 13 Period RSI <> 100,000 shares.

Sir John Templeton.

From: Where is Ze Moola

As a tribute to one of the great investing legend, Sir John Templeton who had just passed away, here's a compilation of articles written on the legend.

Quote: "A $10,000 investment in the storied Templeton Growth Fund (TEPLX) in 1954 would have grown to $2 million by 1992, when Templeton sold his company to Franklin Resources, (BEN) the San Mateo, Calif.-based fund giant."


    Guardian Business Editor

    Months after the luxury liner Titanic sank off Newfoundland in 1912 with several millionaires on board, on a small farm town in Tennessee, John Templeton, who was to become one of the wealthiest investors in Bahamian history, was born.

    Citing hard work as the key to his success, Sir John Templeton, 91, started at the tender age of six in his backyard.

    On a cool Saturday morning in the comfort of his office at the Templeton Foundation, which houses Templeton Global Advisors Ltd., at Lyford Cay, Sir John told The Guardian how he obtained his wealth and his status as an international business icon.

    "At six years old, I said I want to earn some money, so my mother set aside a small piece of garden and told me to grow whatever I wanted to grow and sell it at the grocery store.

    "So my first joy was earning money, and saving money is the second thing; hard work and thrift."

    Sir John said people do not save enough money; it was always his plan to save 50 cents of every dollar he earned. Eventually, he invested in the stock market and "although you don't get rich quickly that way, by the time you're 91, you do."

    His name has become synonymous with business, finance and investments, the latter not so much any more, because his focus has shifted to exploring spiritual wealth and the purpose of being.

    For more than 30 years, he has shared his talent and success with The Bahamas, a place he calls home.

    Asked why did he decided to invest in The Bahamas, he said:

    "Thirty-one years ago, I investigated all the places in the world, very attractive places and decided that the Lyford Cay (Club) in The Bahamas was the most attractive place on earth."

    As to what made him decide to start investment management fund, Templeton Growth Ltd., in 1954, Sir John simply said he was searching for ways to invest outside his country, as he always advises young people to do.

    "I recommend to all young people, to try hard and find out how they can be most beneficial to humanity. The talent I seemed to have is to be able to help people to invest outside their own nation."

    When Sir John entered Yale University, he met many wealthy people and for the first time became acquainted with those who owned shares.

    "But during that time there were all these shares in just one nation. So I thought that if I could become an expert and help people who have some assets to invest worldwide, that would produce better results in the long run; why limit themselves in one area."

    Sir John studied economics at Yale and earned a degree at Oxford, and eventually landed a job on Wall Street at a stock-brokerage firm. His job entailed advising wealthy families on how to select the right investments outside America.

    "I did that nights and days for 50 years and towards the end of that time I decided that while I was helping a few thousand wealthy families, I wasn't going to have the tremendous benefit to humanity in the long run. So I gradually decided that I would sell out all businesses totally, 12 years ago, and since then I have been busier than I have ever been in my life."

    In October, 1992, the Templeton funds were acquired by the Franklyn Group for $440 million.

    Sir John now dedicates his time to trying to change attitudes toward discoveries. He was amazed that "no religion has been enthusiastic about new discoveries... they all look back at ancient scriptures and prophets."

    This led Sir John to set up three foundations worldwide to facilitate scientists in making discoveries of a spiritual nature.

    For Sir John, there are no major regrets in his career, other than that "no one" has found ways to increase spiritual information. He wished he had started back in his garden at age six, instead of growing vegetables, to discover why he was created, why he was human.

    "Nobody ever explained it to me," he said. "I used to look up at the stars and wondered why they existed."

    Sir John no longer considers himself an investment expert, but as the industry becomes more challenging, he advises that this is the time to "play it safe."

    "Nowhere in my lifetime has there been a period when it has been so hard to find a share to buy at a bargain price. When I started to do this in 1936, there were only 17 professional security analysts on earth. Now, the Society of Security Analysts has 32,000 official members in the United States alone.

    "So, at the same time, if you are thrifty and save money, you have to put it somewhere, in real estate, gold, bank accounts or in shares, which is probably the best investment in the long run."

    When asked what is the most significant change since he came to The Bahamas, Sir John said it is that progress is so rapid.

    "More books have been printed in the last 20 years, more has been discovered in medicine in the last 50 years... that is speeding up in The Bahamas, too."

    "These 31 years in The Bahamas have been absolutely amazing in every way. The number of people who have been educated is amazing; when I came here, few people had a radio or a television set, and certainly, nobody had a computer.

    "Also, the prosperity has been wonderful, the whole world has become more prosperous. People in The Bahamas were very poor when I came here."

    Sir John said the country should welcome impending world trading blocs such as Free Trade Area of the Americas and the World Trade Organisation, as the prospects look beneficial for The Bahamas.

    "Discoveries are being made in all industries all over the world and The Bahamas can't make those discoveries itself; it has to learn from other people. The Bahamas should try harder to get information by television, radio and the Internet. The Bahamas should have young people study everything worldwide and prepare themselves to be leaders, not just in one nation, but worldwide."

    Caption TALKING BUSINESS – Sir John Templeton, founder of the Templeton Foundation, speaks to Guardian business editor Lindsay Thompson at his office in Lyford Cay. Staff photo by Donald Knowles

    Posted: Monday December 22, 2003

Here's another.

Sir John Templeton, the founder of the Templeton organization (i.e., Templeton Global Investment Funds) is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of global investing. He has retired from active management of the Templeton funds, but has left managers who follow these 16 immortal principles of his investment process:

  • 1. If you begin with a prayer, you can think more clearly and make fewer mistakes.
  • 2. Outperforming the market is a difficult task. The challenge is not simply making better investment decisions than the average investor. The real challenge is making investment decisions that are better than those of the professionals who managed the big institutions.
  • 3. Invest---don't trade or speculate. The stock market is not a casino, but if you move in and out of stocks every time they move a point or two, the market will be your casino. And you may lose eventually---or frequently.
  • 4. Buy Value, not market trends or the economic outlook. Ultimately, it is the individual stocks that determine the market, not vice versa. Individual stocks can rise in a bear market and fall in a bull market. So buy individual stocks, not the market trend or the economic outlook.
  • 5. When buying stocks, search for bargains among quality stocks. Determining quality in a stock is like reviewing a restaurant. You don't expect it to be 100% perfect, but before it gets three or four stars you want it to be superior.
  • 6. Buy low. So simple in concept. So difficult in execution. When prices are high, a lot of investors are buying a lot of stocks. Prices are low when demand is low. Investors have pulled back, people are discouraged and pessimistic. But, if you buy the same securities everyone else is buying, you'll have the same results as everyone else. By definition, you can't outperform the market.
  • 7. There's no free lunch. Never invest on sentiment. Never invest solely on a tip. You would be surprised how many investors do exactly this. Unfortunately there is sometimes compelling about a tip. Its very nature suggests inside information, a way to turn a fast profit.
  • 8. Do your homework or hire wise experts to help you. People will tell you: investigate before you invest. Listen to them. Study companies to learn what makes them successful.
  • 9. Diversify---by company, by industry. In stocks and bonds, there is safety in numbers. No matter how careful you are, you can neither predict nor control the future. So you must diversify.
  • 10. Invest for maximum total real return. This means the return after taxes and inflation. This is the only rational objective for most long-term investors.
  • 11. Learn from your mistakes. The only way to avoid mistakes is not to invest---which is the biggest mistake of all. So forgive yourself for your errors and certainly don't try to recoup your losses by taking bigger risks. Instead, turn each mistake into a learning experience.
  • 12. Aggressively monitor your investments. Remember, no investment is forever. Expect and react to change. And there are no stocks that you can buy and forget. Being relaxed doesn't mean being complacent.
  • 13. An investor who has all the answers doesn't even understand all the questions. A cocksure approach to investing will lead, probably sooner than later, to disappointment if not outright disaster. The wise investor recognizes that success is a process of continually seeking answers to new questions.
  • 14. Remain flexible and open-minded about types of investment. There are times to buy blue-chip stocks, cyclical stocks, convertible bonds, and there are times to sit on cash. The fact is there is no one kind of investment that is always best.
  • 15. Don't panic. Sometimes you won't have sold when everyone is selling, and you will be caught in a market crash. Don't rush to sell the next day. Instead, study your portfolio. If you can't find more attractive stocks, hold on to what you have.
  • 16. Do not be fearful or negative too often. There will, of course, be corrections, perhaps even crashes. But over time our studies indicate, stocks do go up...and up...and up. In this century or the next, it's still "Buy low, sell high."

Here's an interview with Sir John Templeton.

  • Interview with Sir John Templeton
    by Eleanor Laise
    1 April 2004 SmartMoney

    Sir John Speaks --- He bought low during the Depression, sold high during the Internet boom and made more than a few good calls in between; Sir John Templeton, dean of contrarians, tells us where to invest now

    Spend five minutes in Sir John Templeton's offices and you'll learn a lot about the legendary value investor. It's not the imposing portrait, the honorary degrees or even the certificate of knighthood. It's the books. Crisis Investing shares shelf space with Eat Right for Your Type. The Hand of God sits near Invest for Retirement and Natural Capitalism. Several thick volumes occupy substantial real estate on the top shelf. An investing bible? No -- it's the 1991 edition of the London Central Yellow Pages.

    A 1934 Yale graduate and Rhodes scholar, Templeton has a voracious appetite for information. The small-town Tennessee native became known as the Marco Polo of his Oxford class, thanks to a round-the-world postgraduation jaunt. In his late 20s he opened his own money-management firm and began to put international investing on the map. His flagship Templeton Growth fund has posted a 13.8 percent annualized return over 50 years, well ahead of the Standard & Poor's 500's 11.1 percent.

    Templeton's track record is full of prescient moves. In 1978, when Ford was near bankruptcy, he was a buyer. When everyone else piled into tech in 2000, he was a seller.

    Though he now lives in Lyford Cay, a decidedly well-heeled corner of the Bahamas, Templeton maintains a surprisingly modest lifestyle. He tools around at the wheel of a Lincoln Town Car. Orchids and bougainvillea upstage his whitewashed home. It's the ideal setting for a quiet retirement, but that's not Templeton's cup of tea. Since Franklin Resources bought his funds in 1992 for $440 million, he has devoted most of his time to philanthropy. The John Templeton Foundation gives $40 million a year to projects that explore the intersection of science and religion. Templeton's longtime philanthropic efforts earned the naturalized British citizen a knighthood in 1987. In his spare time, he hunts for global bargains, and at 91, he's clearly as curious as ever. As SmartMoney sat down in his cluttered conference room, it was Templeton who fired off the first question: "Have you written any books I can read?" Well, no. But enough about us.


    SmartMoney: How did a kid from rural Tennessee become a pioneer of global value investing?

    John Templeton: In Tennessee I didn't meet anybody who owned a share of anything. At Yale there were hundreds of boys from wealthy families, but not a single one who was investing outside one nation. I thought that was just not sensible. Surely they'd get better results if they searched everywhere rather than limiting their search to one country. Then I investigated the investment counsel profession and couldn't find any investment counselor who specialized in helping people invest outside America. So I saw a wide-open opportunity.


    Q: In 1939 you bought $100 worth of every New York Stock Exchange listed stock that was trading under $1 per share. There were 104 names, and 37 were already in bankruptcy. Why did you do it?

    John Templeton: I was sitting in my office at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan when the news came out that Hitler had invaded Poland. It was obvious within a few days that it was going to lead to the Second World War. During war, everything that was in surplus, and therefore unprofitable, becomes scarce and profitable. Three years later I had a profit on 100 out of the 104.


    Q: What signs helped you see that the U.S. technology bubble was about to burst back in 2000?

    John Templeton: If you want to have a better performance than the crowd, you must do things differently from the crowd. Four years ago the crowd was piling into tech stocks. The prices went sky-high. I sold my clients' technology stocks, and sold a lot of them short. I have put these philosophies into a simple statement: Help people. When people are desperately trying to sell, help them and buy. When people are enthusiastically trying to buy, help them and sell.


    Q: That's a good way to look at it.

    John Templeton: That's mainly a joke.


    Q: In 1992 you predicted that "the next 10 years will be the happiest period, and the most progressive," with "rapidly increasing prosperity for both Europe and America." Are you as optimistic about the next decade?

    John Templeton: Very few people realize how fortunate we are to live in the most glorious period in world history. There has been more progress in prosperity than in any previous century. The Dow Jones Industrial Average never went above 100 until a century ago. Now it's up to 10700, a hundredfold increase in one century. Probably in the next century, the increase will be equally great, if not greater. But I have to say that we are starting from an unusually high price for shares, not just in one industry, but in practically all industries and all nations.


    Q: What is your view of current U.S. stock valuations?

    John Templeton: Over the next five years, the chances are about 50/50 that the stock market will be lower. There is a risk that stock indexes will go down by over 30 percent or they'll go up 30 percent. Share prices are remarkably high right now. The Nasdaq Composite index is trading at 36 times next year's earnings and 95 times last year's earnings. That's high. For most of my lifetime I found bargains one place or another below 12 times earnings.


    Q: How does this environment compare with the market of 1972, when the Dow regained its late '60s highs of around 1000 but didn't break through that level again until 1982?

    John Templeton: That was a period of stock market optimism, which goes in cycles. There are at least five of these cycles every century. The one in those years you mentioned was a normal cycle. This one seems to be more exaggerated. Prices in those years never went as high as they are now.


    Q: Are there any sectors in the U.S. that look cheap?

    John Templeton: No. I wish there were, but I can't find them. The answer is to play safe. And playing safe means diversifying among nations, industries and types of securities. At present I don't think anybody should have over half their assets in common stock.


    Q: And you believe that no one should have more than 50 percent of his or her portfolio in a single country?

    John Templeton: Yes. And no more than 25 percent in one industry.


    Q: Do you think there is a real estate bubble in the U.S.?

    John Templeton: Yes. Real estate is very different from the stock market because it's so local and separate in terms of type. But in many locations and many types of real estate, prices are dangerously high right now. And in real estate it's easier to say what's dangerously high. You just look at what it costs to rebuild. Right here in the Bahamas, I have recently seen people pay four or five times for a house what it would cost to rebuild.


    Q: Do U.S. bonds look more attractive than equities?

    John Templeton: Compared to the cost of living [measured by inflation], you can still buy American bonds. But at present there are bonds of other nations that seem safer. It's wise to invest in nations that do not have an unfavorable balance of trade or a government deficit.


    Q: Which countries seem the safest?

    John Templeton: There are not many. There are almost 200 nations on earth and about 150 different currencies, and most of them have problems even greater than America's. But Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia and Russia don't have big problems.


    Q: A few years ago you were buying STRIPs, or Treasury bonds with the coupons cut off. Do you still like them?

    John Templeton: I bought STRIPs because the yield to maturity was about 10 percent better than what you could get on Treasury bonds. But I found I did better by changing from U.S. Treasury STRIPs to STRIPs of nations with stronger currencies, like the ones we just talked about.


    Q: Where do you think the U.S. dollar will go from here?

    John Templeton: The chances of the U.S. dollar going down in relation to the euro are no more than 50/50. The euro has already gone up 47 percent in the last two years. But the yen is up only 25 percent. Japan has put hundreds of billions of dollars into buying American money. The quantities are so great that that can't continue much longer. Japanese money is likely to go up in the future.


    Q: Are you concerned about inflation?

    John Templeton: Long term, because we have more and more democracies in the world, we're going to have more and more inflation. Politicians who are willing to spend too much are the ones who get reelected. Look back at history. Inflation has averaged about 2 percent a year. Probably, it will average somewhat more than that in the next century. But from a short-range standpoint, there does not yet seem to be a shortage of almost any product. Until there's a shortage, you're not likely to see higher prices.


    Q: What do you see as the biggest threat to economic recovery in the U.S.?

    John Templeton: We don't need an economic recovery because we're already operating at a very high level. The greatest threat to maintaining this level of economic activity is debt. There's never been a time when people worldwide, and especially in America, had such a high proportion of debt. I think 20 percent of people who have mortgages on their homes are likely to lose them in foreclosures. When a home goes into bankruptcy, it's sold at auction. That pushes the price down and affects the prices of other homes.


    Q: Does the U.S. government's debt level worry you?

    John Templeton: Oh, yes. There has never been any government anywhere in the world that has such a big deficit in the federal budget. And there's never been a nation in history that had such an adverse balance of trade. However, if you look at those debts and balance of trade as a percentage of gross national product, they're bad, but not unprecedented.


    Q: What does that mean for investors?

    John Templeton: It's one more reason why this is a dangerous time to own stocks.


    Q: Even foreign equities?

    John Templeton: Yes. In my long history I could always find some nation where people were desperately trying to sell. Now I can't find a place where people are trying desperately to get out of equities.


    Q: So what do you think about the rush to invest in China?


    John Templeton: The cycles will be much wider and more frequent in China because of the lack of information. Having said that, if you're investing, you should put a fairly large part of your total assets in China because within as short a period as 30 years, China is likely to have the largest gross national product any nation has ever had.

    Q: Is India as great an opportunity as China?

    John Templeton: Yes. You could say almost the same thing about India, except in terms of speed. The improvement in India is wonderful but not as fast. But the Indian market is up more than 80 percent in 12 months. That's a danger signal. It means you're going to take a lot of risk that you wouldn't have taken a year before.


    Q: What's the world's best stock market now?

    John Templeton: The best answer is none. There are so many securities analysts working on that question that the prices in different markets are less out of line than normal.


    Q: So an influx of information has made life difficult for global value investors?

    John Templeton: When I became an investment counselor, there were only 17 security analysts on earth. Now, in America alone, there are more than 32,000, and they do have an effect on prices by doing research on where to find bargains.


    Q: If you were starting out in the investing world today, what would you do?

    John Templeton: Play safe. If you don't have your money in equities, it's very difficult to find a place to put it. Gold has already gone up. . . . People also tend to think it's safe to put your money in the bank. When I was studying in the U.K., people swore that it was safe to put your money in pounds sterling. But within a few years, sterling went down from $5 a pound to $1.50 a pound because of the war. If gold and bank accounts are no longer safe, where can you put it? Diversify. Don't put too much in any one thing.


    Q: What have you been buying lately?

    John Templeton: I believe there are fewer opportunities than I've ever seen in 91 years. In the last year I've been using market-neutral hedge funds, whose policy is to have always the same quantity of longs and shorts. I have invested lately in two funds that are managed by people who worked for me when I was in the investment business: Jane Siebels-Kilnes' Siebels Multi-Fund and Mark Holowesko's Holowesko Global fund. They aren't registered with the SEC, however, so American stockbrokers can't sell them.


    Q: After the corporate scandals of recent years, how can we restore trust in the markets?

    John Templeton: The answer is comparison. When you're worried about those scandals, stop and think, what nation would you feel safer in? At what time in world history could you feel safer? I don't think you'll find any time when the degree of information, the degree of honesty, is higher than it is today.


    Q: You don't think there's anything the government should do to restore trust?

    John Templeton: Yes. Keep their hands off. It has been proven over and over that the best regulation is free competition. Those that are not doing a good job for the public get squeezed out. I can't think of any nation where the quantity of regulation is already not too high.


    Q: A couple of days ago, Franklin Resources, the firm that bought your funds, was accused of participating in market-timing arrangements. What's your take on the fund scandal?

    John Templeton: Everything I've just said applies double to that. Can you think of any industry or any nation where there are fewer questionable practices than there are in American mutual funds? I can't. If all the claims in the news were added up, what would it cost a mutual fund owner? One cent.


    Q: You've lived here in the Bahamas for 31 years . . .

    John Templeton: Yes. I've found my results for investment clients were far better here than when I had my office in 30 Rockefeller Plaza. When you're in Manhattan, it's much more difficult to go opposite to the crowd.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


李孙耀 - 李财有方



例子: 1000元的投资,每年成长26%.



































李孙耀 李财有方 - 南洋商报 财经版 2009-12-28


他感叹地说:我们这里的薪水实在太低了。在香港,麦当劳的员工每个月薪水都有 8000港币(约合4000令吉),而大马的大学生毕业生只有2000多令吉的月薪而已。比较之下,真得让人怀疑,政府是否有能力使大马成为高收入的国家。



储蓄和投资是要两者并重的,缺一不可。很多人都以为财富的累积是靠‘加法’,一路,一路的加上去。例如:1,2,3,4,5,... ... 如此这样的加上去。

其实财富的累积是靠“乘法”,一路,一路乘上去。例如:1,2,4,8,16, ... ... 如此这样的乘上去。









一千开十番就变成一百万;一万开十番就变成一千万。 一千或一万都不是大数目,每个人都会有,这是事实。而百万或千万却是每个人的奋斗目标和梦想。



开始: 1万 本钱;
第一番: 2万;
第二番: 4万;
第三番: 8万;
第四番: 16万;
第五番: 32万;
第六番: 64万;
第七番: 128万;
第八番: 256万;
第九番: 512万;

如果开一番费时 3年,那么开十番也只是30年的时间而已。

十番绝对神奇的!因为 1万变成千万只需要十个番而已!


我问这位刚刚就业的大学生:如果起点是 六万,达到百万需要几个番?

如果他不买那辆价值 6万的新车,他要成为百万富翁只需要 4个番。


《common stock & uncommon profit》

Philip A. Fisher 在他写的 《common stock & uncommon profit》 书中,列出了15 个检验标准来寻找值得长期持有的成长股:

  1. 这家公司的产品或服务有没有足够的市场潜能,至少几年内营业额能否取得大幅的增长?
  2. 为了在现有产品的增长潜能放缓时,为了能够进一步使公司的营业额保持增长,管理层是不是有决心去持续开发新产品或新工艺?
  3. 以公司的规模来看,它的研发部门(R&D)的效率如何?
  4. 公司有没有高人一等的营销组织(sales organization) ?
  5. 公司的的赚幅(profit margin)高不高?
  6. 公司做了什么事,以维持或改善其赚幅?
  7. 公司的劳资和人事关系 (labour & personnel relations) 是否维持得很好?
  8. 公司的行政人员关系 (executive relations) 是否维持得很好?
  9. 公司管理层的深度够吗?
  10. 公司的成本分析与会计管理做的如何?
  11. 在其行业中,公司有什么独到之处,可以为投资者提供线索,以了解此公司相对于其竞争者,有什么突出?
  12. 公司对于其本身的盈利展望是短期的,还是长期的?
  13. 在公司的成长中,会不会涉及大量的发股融资(equity fincancing),而冲淡了现有股东的权益?
  14. 管理层是不是只向投资者们报喜不报忧(在公司运作良好时畅所欲言,面对问题时三缄其口)?
  15. 管理层是否拥有毋庸置疑的诚信?

  1. Does the company have products or services with sufficientmarket potential to make possible a sizable increase in sales for atleast several years?
  2. Does the management have a determinationto continue to develop products or processes that will still furtherincrease total sales potentials when the growth potentials of currentlyattractive product lines have largely been exploited?
  3. How effective are the company’s research and development efforts in relation to its size?
  4. Does the company have an above-average sales organization?
  5. Does the company have a worthwhile profit margin?
  6. What is the company doing to maintain or improve profit margins?
  7. Does the company have outstanding labor and personnel relations?
  8. Does the company have outstanding executive relations?
  9. Does the company have depth to its management?
  10. How good are the company’s cost analysis and accounting control?
  11. Arethere other aspects of the business, somewhat peculiar to the industryinvolved, which will give the investor important clues as to howoutstanding the company may be in relation to its competition?
  12. Does the company have a short-rage or long-range outlook in regard to profits?
  13. Inthe foreseeable future will the growth of the company requiresufficient equity financing to that the larger number of shares thenoutstanding will largely cancel the existing stockholders’ benefit fromthis anticipated growth?
  14. Does the management talk freely toinvestors about it affairs when things are going well but “clam up”when troubles and disappointments occur?
  15. Does the company have a management of unquestionable integrity?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

怎样选股? 完结篇

By: 小旺子





什么股会长期成长?唯靠历史数据推测未来,而经我思考许久,也决定将现成流动现金Free Cash Flow加入我们的方程式,共占2分。修考后请参考 怎样选股? (2) 选股的照妖镜 因此,我们的选股之法也全面化了。


怎样选股? (14) 现金是王 Cash is King

By: 小旺子





现金流动表Cash Flow Statement 的演算为
净增加/减少现金数值 Net Increase/Decrease in Cash Flow
营业活动现金流Cash Flows from Operating Activities
(扣旧,债务人,债权人,存货Depreciation, Debtor, Creditor, Inventory)
投资活动现金流Cash Flows from Investing Activities
(房地产,机器 Building, Land, Equipment)
融资活动现金流Cash Flows from Financing Activities
(股息,债务,贷款Dividend, Debt, Loan)

我们首先看净增加/减少现金数值 Net Increase/Decrease in Cash Flow ,一般上若是增加,是健全成长,若为减少我们便得小心,

基本上赤字预算如下 GREEN PACKET BERHAD 不断发展扩充其 WI-MAX 发射站的建设,故有负现金流动 (RM-26,685,000)。 但其银行现金还充足RM 208,001,000,应付其营业活动 (RM-20,921,000),但投资话动却比较吃紧 (RM-139,180.000)


营业活动现金流Cash Flows from Operating Activities > 收入 Net Income

最后,投资者所关心的公司是否有能力分花红 Dividend,这得看公司的现金有多少,

现成流动现金Free Cash Flow
= Net Income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditures
= Cash Flows from Operating Activities – Capital Expenditures

以海鸥集团为例,RM53,764,552 – RM 9,243,668 = RM 44,520,884,总现金为 RM73,265,890, 可谓现金充足,故公司有充够能资本回购,买自己的股票并分发花红。

怎样选股? (13) 钱不够用?

By: 小旺子

最近我们的香蕉档接到一宗大买卖,附近的超市由於缺货,向我们定购了 RM3,000 的香蕉,算是喜讯吧!送完货后,我们正在发梦成立香蕉档连锁店。

不久,你便通知我,我们「钱不够用?」,没现金办货,我好奇的问:「咱们刚做一单大买卖,怎会没钱呢?」 你答道:「钱还设收到呀!那是六十天账期。」

对了!我们做账方式是 权责[应计]发生制 Accrual Basic of Accounting,就是说你月底结账时,收入 Revenue 包括未收到的数目。 同样的,如果你欠供应商 supplier 的钱,一样也当成购货记账。

基於此,一间公司有很高的收入,但若欠款在需运用时,还没收回,便造成周转不灵的困境,故研究上市公司,现金流动表 Cash Flow Statement 便变成重要的线索。


1. 营业活动Cash Flows from Operating Activities
债务增加时,别人欠我们钱时,我们的现金减少;债务增加时,别人欠我们钱时,我们的现金增加。 所以,你看此项目时有加的数值,也有减的数值。
最常见为折旧 depreciation, 是要加回去,因为当资产如汽车一年折旧 RM3,000, 公司是没有真正拿出现金。

2. 投资话动Cash Flows from Investing Activities

3. 融资活动Cash Flows from Financing Activities

最后一项为总结 summary
a. 净增加/减少现金数值 Net Increase/Decrease
b. 财政年度初现金数值Beginning of Financial Year
c. 财政年度尾现金数值End of Financial Year


怎样选股? (12) 书中自有黄金屋,数据的搜索 – 2

By: 小旺子

现在让我们完成我们的方程式 Formula

(2) DE < 0.60 (2 分 = 20%比重)
负债比率=负债总额/资产净值 Debt Ratio DE = Total Liabilities / Shareholders Equity
Debtor Ratio = 58,037,987 / 146,072,333 = 0.3973 * 100% = 40%

(4) Liquidity Ratio > 1 (1 分=10%比重)
流动性比率=流动资产/流动负债` Liquidity Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Liquidity Ration = 153,958,228 / 57,973,693 = 2.66

(1) 股本回报率 ROE > 15
a/b = 0.638 / 1.760 = 0.3625 * 100 = 36.25

(3) 股息生息率>定期存款 DY < 0.60
c/RM 3.02 (28/11/08) = 0.40 / 3.02 = 0.1324 = 13% (注意须付25%税收)

(5) 利益率 > 10
RM 49,117,955 / RM 373,822,575 = 0.13 * 100% = 13%

在这五项加起来共8分,加上我己演算的三年都赚钱,一年比一年高,加二分共 10分。


我们没有将现金流动表 Cash Flow Statement,考虑在内,只要现金是正常便可,若你好的建议?不妨让我知道。


怎样选股? (11) 书中自有黄金屋,数据的搜索 – 1



方程式 Formula
(1) ROE > 15 (2 分 = 20%比重)
股本回报率=每股收益/有形资产净值 Return on Equity ROE = EPS/NTA
净收益/资产净值 Net Income/ Total Shareholder’s Equity

(2) DE < de =" Total"> 3 (2 分=20%)
股息生息率>定期存款 Dividend Yield > Current Fixed Deposit Rate

(4) Liquidity Ratio > 1 (1 分=10%比重)
流动性比率=流动资产/流动负债` Liquidity Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

(5) 利益率 > 10 Profitability Ratio > 10 (1 分=10%比重)
然后,遂一在年报中寻索答案,请点击下图以显示大图,press to enlarge the following image,请依图中点击,第6 是另一面,

(1) 股本回报率 ROE > 15
a/b = 0.638 / 1.760 = 0.3625 * 100 = 36.25

(3) 股息生息率>定期存款 DY < 02 =" 0.1324"> 10
RM 49,117,955 / RM 373,822,575 = 0.13 * 100% = 13%

在 怎样选股? (7) 你的生意好赚么? 己算出,

(2) 和 (4) 你可在资产负债表找到Balance Sheet,这功课交由你去做先,下回分晓,我会算出来给你会看。

上达总分为 8分=80%,还有 2分=20%在过去三年都赚钱,每股盈利年年增加成长里。

简单的做法利用 announcements 内第四季报 Quarter 4 的资产负债表Balance Sheet和损益表Income Statement 会以较快找到答案。但在审核audit 后,数目会有稍微差别。

怎样选股? (10) 解读年报的基本知识

By: 小旺子

今天这个日志,对会做账目的人来说,是太基本,可以不看,但若你完全没有会计知识的话,那变得很重要。 但也别觉得,噢!会计等於头痛,其原理也是普通知识 common sense。

又回到我们合伙的香蕉档,自与老爸借了 RM1,000后,我们的资本就增加到 RM 4,000, 但你也应知,我们确实只有 RM 3,000, RM 1,000 不是我们的。

资本 = 资产 – 负债 Equity = Assets – Liabilities
RM3,000 = RM4,000 – RM1,000

资产 = 资本 + 负债Assets = Equity + Liabilities
RM4,000 = RM3,000 + RM1,000

其特色是左右边相等,资产负债表Balance Sheet。

我们的资产又分为固定资产 Fixed Assets or Non-Current Assets 如发电机和桌椅,不易转为现金的。 而流动资产 Current Assets 如现金、银行存款和债务人 Debtor。

负债也分流动负债Current Liabilities和长期负债 Long Term Liabilities,流动负债为债权人 Creditor、短期债务。

请看右上图,一图胜千言,请翻到 Page 79页,海鸥集团的资产负债表Balance Sheet:

怎样选股? (9) 借多少钱做生意才好?

By: 小旺子


DE < 0.60
负债比率=负债总额/资产净值 Debt Ratio DE = Total Liabilities / Shareholders Equity

先回我们的合伙香蕉档,我们想卖龙果,以便增长收入。因为缺乏资金,若不借钱我们便无法扩充营业,於是便向父亲免利息借了 RM1,000,每月答应还父亲 RM 200, 为从简我用 RM3,000 为资产净值。

RM 1,000/RM 3,000 = 0.33 或 33%

不幸的,月尾结账,龙果生意促使我们亏损RM1,000,使原本每月可赚 RM1,000 祗消了。我们变得没有盈利,现金流量 Cash Flow成了问题,还欠父亲 RM200。

如果我们把结果改成因为投资龙果生意,还了欠父亲的,我们多赚了 RM 1,000,净收益加卖香蕉的共 RM 2,000。 我们的每股收益EPS RM 2,000 / 3,000 = 0.66 sen, 便从 RM0.33 倍增加至 RM 0.66。


一般人的标准设於 DE < 0.50, 我愿承受多10%风险, 这个数值是投资者的个人价值观为标准, 设有一个固定的数值。



怎样选股? (8) 上市公司的成绩单

By: 小旺子



而上市公司的年报 Annual Report,也主要有3个:

1. 赚不赚钱 Income Statement损益表 (Trading Profit & Loss Account)
2. 有什么财产 Balance Sheet资产负债表
3. 够不够现金周转 Cash Flow Statement现金流动表

我们方程式里所需的数据都在这三个报告里。 只要懂解读,你便步入价值投资的第一步,你具备了基本分析上市公司的数据。


你是否觉得比他人幸运呢? 希望你能珍惜这免费的教育。


接下来的日子里,我将介绍资产负债表Balance Sheet。 你淮备好了么?

怎样选股? (7) 你的生意好赚么?

By: 小旺子


利益率 > 10 Profitability Ratio > 10

利益率 = 净利润/总收入 Profitability Ratio = Net Profit / Revenue

我先回到我们合伙的香蕉档,我们以 RM3,000 为成本,经营了一个月净赚RM1,000, 销售额为 RM 2,000。

RM 1,000 / RM 2000 = 0.50 * 100% = 50%

哗!五十巴利益率,卖香蕉,好好赚。 OOPS! 还有些费用没算啦。

现在来算算海鸥集团好赚么? 看参考下图:

RM 49,117,955 / RM 373,822,575 = 0.13 * 100% = 13%

很不错的利益率,许多上市公司都低於10%,我们方程式 利益率 > 10,便表示要找利益率大於10%。


这里我们也看到每股收益 EPS 60.28= RM 0.60,注意这是仙 SEN,初学者常把第当成 RM 60.28,若是,那就发达了。 这是2008整年的数据,回顾我们合伙的一个月 香蕉档每股收益 EPS = RM 0.33。 每股收益EPS是个重要的数据,日后将用於计算ROE。(股本回报率=每股收益/有形资产净值 Return on Equity ROE = EPS/NTA)


怎样选股? (6) 上网找上市公司的财务报告

Begin 6-5.jpg

Begin 6-4.jpg

Begin 6-3.jpg

Begin 6-2.jpg

Begin 6-1.jpg

By: 小旺子


步骤 1点击

步骤 2点击菜单 1 Listed Companies 或将鼠标移至 Listed Companies 选项 Company Announcements

依下图2 Annual Reports -> 3 Current -> 4 By Company,顺序点击。
Begin6-1 .jpg

步骤 3 依下图点击 5 H -> 6 HAI-O ENTERPRISE BERHAD
Begin6-2 .jpg

步骤 4 依下图点击 7 06/10/2008 Annual Report 2008
Begin6-3 .jpg

步骤 5 8按右键,选项 Save Target as … 存档文件HAIO-AnnualReport2008 (3.5MB).pdf
Begin6-4 .jpg

步骤 6 打开HAIO-AnnualReport2008 (3.5MB).pdf, 翻到 81面 79页 损益表INCOME STATEMENT
Begin6-5 .jpg



注: 为了让网页届现快,我降低了图片的素像。

怎样选股? (5) 开香蕉档,学看财务报告



在夜市 pasar malam 卖香蕉是最简单不过,虽然香蕉种类也非常多,为简化起见,就当全部香蕉都一样吧!

普通一个档口也要桌子、椅子、 子、电灯和发电机。 估计要 RM3,000 的成本,你有RM2,000,邀我成股东,买进 RM1,000 的股份。换句话说我们的股东资本为 RM3,000,每股 one unit为RM1.00。

那你去开档了! 卖香蕉啦! 香蕉香又甜!

(*假设一个月开档10天,每天收入为RM200, RM200*10天=RM2,000)

简单的说, 盈余 profit = 收入 – 成本。 Income – Cost


我想言之有理,应该是盈余 profit = 收入 – (成本+费用)。 Income – (Cost+
Expenses)。但要记得不是每个生意都赚钱的,所以也应说成盈余或亏损profit or Loss。

那我就为做了个营业损益表Trading Profit & Loss Account,来算算有没有钱赚? (损=亏损 益=收益)

我们一个月净赚了 RM1,000, 若将之除於我们的股本, RM 1,000 / 3000 = RM 0.33,这就是每股收益 Earning per share EPS。

注意的是 3,000 是股或称单位Unit,而不是价格,我们每股为RM 1.00 * 3,000单位Unit = RM 3,000 (本钱=股本=资金 Capital / Owner Equity/Shareholder Equity)。

在股市,这是方便计算损益profit or loss,当股价升上 RM1.20,无形中我们价值升高,RM1.20 * 3000 = RM 3,600。

(术语认识 Lots or Board Lot成交单位 1 lot = 100 shares/Units,这是吉隆坡股市所订的数值。)

(零星股 Special Lot or Odd Lot 为小於100股的股票。例如:35股)

(证券经纪人、股票经纪人 Stock Broker,Remisier )

当然费用方便还包括工资Salary、执照费 License Fee、塑胶袋 Plastic Bag等,在这里简化说明,我们也假设没存货。

怎样选股? (4) 复制猫选股法


复制猫 copy cat 选股法为向成功人士学习的方法,我们模仿其方法,以期达到同样的成果, 讲文雅点称为模拟法 Modeling。例如我国有许多连锁店经管得非常成功,其模仿的对象有麦当劳、肯德鸡等。

任何一种学习若善於利用「复制猫」的方法,必成就非凡。 君不见经济强国日本的发达,启於模仿他国的科技,台湾、韩国、中国即不列外。

那么我选股首选股神巴菲特 Warren Buffett,世界第二最有钱的人,他是纯粹靠投资股票发达的,持股三十年如一日。我们想投资成功,就非得向学习股神巴菲特不可。

股神巴菲特选股的股本回报率 ROE > 15,是全世界的价值投资者 Value Investing 所推荐,因此,我们方程式启於此。这项目是必选不可例外,达不到这条件的股只,一律不可选。


在上个日志,我留下一些方程式让你自创投资方程式,其实并不是什么制造火箭的秘诀 Rocket Science ,只有普通常识,若你没有信心,可模仿 copy我。

讲明一点,就是要一家会赚钱,债务少,赚率高,信誉好的上市公司。又有如鸡旦可用沸水煮熟,可以半生熟,可以炒,可以烹,可以加青豆……。 而选公司的材料则是 A. 业绩表现比率 Performance Ratio,B. 流动性比率 Liquidity Ratio,C. 成长比率Growth Ratio,D. 债务比率 Debt Ratio 。

条条大路通罗马,不要硬硬只独孤一味,认为别人都不行,唯有自己最清高,这也是投资者的通病,切记!切记!勿复制!勿复制! Don’t copy! Don’t Copy!

怎样选股? (3) 选股的揭秘

By: 小旺子

在上个日志, 怎样选股? (2) 选股的照妖镜里,我列出了选股方程式 Formula。今天将揭开方程式后面的意义。


A. 业绩表现比率 Performance Ratio 占40%
B. 流动性比率 Liquidity Ratio占10%
C. 成长比率Growth Ratio占30%
D. 债务比率 Debt Ratio 占20%

而我们的方程式正以这四大类形成, 方程式 Formula
(1) 股本回报率ROE > 15 A,B类占总分数20%
(2) DE < 0.60 负债比率 D类占总分数20%
(3) DY > 3股息生息率 > 定期存款 A类占总分数20%
(4) 流动性比率 Liquidity Ratio > 1 B类占总分数10%
(5) 利益率 > 10 Profitability Ratio > 10 A类占总分数10%


懂得这个原理,你也可自创一套自己的选股方程式,今天我揭秘教你*钓鱼,你可以自己去捉鱼了。 若你还年青,可不省略股息一项,套上自己喜欢的方程式,我年纪大了,必须要抱着股息



Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today.
Teach a man to fish ; and you have fed him for a lifetime.

附方程式, 让你自创:
Performance Ratio
Gross Profit Margin = (Profit Before Tax/Turnover)*100
Net Profit Margin = (Profit After Tax/Turnover)*100
Return on Shareholders Equity = Profit After Tax/Total Shareholders Funds
Current Assets Turnover = Revenue/Current Assets
Fixed Assets Turnover = Revenue/Fixed Assets
Total Assets Turnover = Revenue/Total Assets
Revenue Per Share = Revenue/Issued Shares
Inventory Turnover = Revenue/Inventory

Liquidity Ratio
Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities
Acid Test Ratio = (Current Assets-Stock)/Current Liabilities
Interest Coverage = Profit Before Tax/Interest Charge

Growth Ratio
Annual Revenue Growth Rate(%) = ((Current Year Revenue-Last Year Revenue)*100)/Last Year Revenue
Annual Profit Growth Rate (%) = ((Current Year Profit-Last Year Profit)*100)/Last Year Profit

Debt Ratio
Debtors Turnover (Days) = (Debtors/Turnover)*365
Creditors Turnover (Days) = (Creditors/Turnover)*365
Debt Ratio (%) = (Total Liabilities/Total Assets)*100
Current Debt To Equity Ratio (%) = (Current Liabilities/Shareholders Fund)*100
Total Debt To Equity Ratio (%) = (Total Liabilities/Shareholders Fund)*100

怎样选股? (2) 选股的照妖镜

By: 小旺子


定义 Definition
优质股 = 良好财务增长 + 成长行业 + 管理能力强 、 信誉佳的领导层。

先决条件 Condition
过去三年都赚钱,每股盈利年年增加成长。 3 year continuous profit (EPS Earning per share) growth PROFITGR EPSGR (Profit Growth: 得分Score point=1, EPS Growth=得分Score point=1)

方程式 Formula
(1) ROE > 15 (得分Score point = 2)
股本回报率=每股收益/有形资产净值 Return on Equity ROE = EPS/NTA

净收益/资产净值 Net Income/ Total Shareholder’s Equity

(2) DE < 0.60 (得分Score point = 2)
负债比率=负债总额/资产净值 Debt Ratio DE = Total Liabilities / Shareholders Equity

(3) DY > 3 (得分Score point =2)
股息生息率>定期存款 Dividend Yield > Current Fixed Deposit Rate

(4) Liquidity Ratio > 1 (得分Score point=1)
流动性比率=流动资产/流动负债 Liquidity Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

(5) 利益率 > 10 Profitability Ratio > 10 (得分Score point=1)

利益率 = 净利润/总收入 Profitability Ratio = Net Profit / Revenue

(6) 现成流动现金Free Cash Flow(得分Score point=2)
= Net Income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditures
= Cash Flows from Operating Activities – Capital Expenditures

把上述分数加起来,总分为十二分, 十分者可称之优质股。根椐上述数据分析后,像个照妖镜,劣股顿时现形,无可逃避。

当然,还有其他选股所需明白的详细情况,这是十多个系列里,其中的一个罢了,我将一步步的 step-by-step,用实例图形示范如果从 获取上述资料。



怎样选股? (1) 优质股的定义

By: 小旺子

用资深股票研究人 — 冷眼,冯时能先生为选股做了个开场白, 令人获益不浅。


故在选择股票时,首重效率,效率反映于投资回酬率(ROE , Profit margin……等)。



优质股 = 良好财务成长 + 信誉能力强的领导层。


优质股 = 良好财务增长 + 成长行业 + 管理能力强 、 信誉佳的领导层。

「根本简易投资法」的宗旨就是要分解、简化深奥的原理, 若连自己也看不明白的, 就必须进一步简化,直到一看就明白的地步。

李财有方: 打工也有出头天?

By: 李孙耀







资本开番 可选股票房产







收入开番 从商最有效










1. 这行业的前景如何?
2. 公司近5年都赚钱吗?
3. 公司管理层可靠及有能力吗?
4. 公司的财务状况稳定吗?
5. 自己有多余的投资资金吗?
6. 是否在低价区买入?
7. 有守候并观察和追踪企业成长?
8. 何时卖出?高价或业绩衰退?